Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I have created a blog and an avatar. And I've read about blogs on Wikipedia. I didn't realize they've been around for quite awhile. In 2004 Mirriam Webster declared "blog" the word of the year. I'm wondering about "blog etiquette". Is there such a thing? I found a long list of words associated with blogs in Wikipedia. One of them is "boreblogging" - going on and on about personal stuff. It does sound boring but I suppose it depends on who is reading your blog. I've been reading blogs on and northfieldlocallygrown for quite awhile now so I'm at least familiar with blogs. Now I want to find out about blogs about library issues. That's my next step.


aurora said...

Welcome to 23 Things on a Stick! And, yes-- there is blog etiquette but just like in real life, not everyone always agrees on what that etiquette is. I hope you enjoy your opportunity to write, instead of just read.

If you want to visit the other SELS members, and see what they've been having to say about the 23 things, you can see the list of over 100 blogs here.

Ann said...

Congrats on getting started with 23 Things on a Stick!

SELCO staff and over 100 library staff members and trustees will be working through the program as well. We hope to have fun along the way and will offer the opportunity for regional prizes to all who complete the program by National Library Week. Enjoy!

Ann Hutton at SELCO